El día de hoy el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores informaron de la firma del Tratado de Amistad y Reconocimiento mutuo entre la República Popular Socialista Huetar de Occidente y el Sacro Imperio de Reunión.
Esperando que sea el principio de una relación duradera y provechosa para ambas naciones; a continuación se publica el tratado firmado:
Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Regard betweem the Holy Empire of Reunion and the Republic Huetar de Occidente
Whereas it is decided by the authority of the Imperial Chancellor and therefore the good subjects of His Holy, Imperial Majesty, Emperor Cláudio the First, a hand of friendship shall be extended to the REPUBLIC OF HUETAR DE OCCIDENTE, a hand which binds all Réunians to the Federals in a firm and everlasting handshake of friendship.
The Holy Empire of Réunion and the REPUBLIC OF HUETAR DE OCCIDENTE agree to use their individual influence to back one another's position in international affairs on which they are in agreement, and to support each other in all ways which may be necessary.
This treaty is also provided to as charter for any consulate or embassy which is established between the two nations. These embassies shall be under the sole management of the Foreign Affairs Agency of the nation in particular, in Réunion´s case, His Majesty´s Imperial Chancellery. Such agencies shall be the exclusive link between the two nations.
Henceforth, to all whom it may concern, be it recognized that the following articles of agreement are entered into in good faith and spontaneously by the governments of the Holy Empire of Réunion and of the REPUBLIC OF HUETAR DE OCCIDENTE.
That the Holy Empire of Réunion hereby officially recognizes the REPUBLIC OF HUETAR DE OCCIDENTE as a sovereign, independent and serious micronation, and recognizes its current government as legitimate and legally empowered; That the Purpble Bunny Federation hereby officially recognizes the Holy Empire of Réunion as a sovereign, independent and serious micronation, and recognizes His Holy, Imperial Majesty, Emperor Cláudio the First, as Its rightful, legitimate ruler and head of state, and also will recognize the Imperial Chancellery of Réunion as the one and only entity which speaks for the good people of Réunion.
That there shall be a perpetual state of friendship and non-aggression between the aforementioned States, and that both parties shall endeavor to peacefully resolve any issues which may occur to estrange them.
That either signatory parties shall respect the diplomatic position of the other, as regards the recognition of, and relations with, other nations and micronations, however trying to follow, whenever possible, the same path, leading, always, to true micronationalism. Both parties compromise to avoid opening relations with nations or micronations which show belligerence towards the other nation.
That either micronations shall respect the military and political endeavors of the other, insofar as these do not infringe their own military and political interests. In the event of international strife, both parties shall steadfastly support the other in any efforts to remain neutral.
Given by our hands, on this day the 05 of March, 2009
For Réunion:
His Holy, Imperial Majesty, Claudio the First, by the Grace of God and the Acclamation of the People, Sacred Emperor of Reunion, Grand Duke of Straussia, Fournaise, Conservatoria and Dabliu, Eternal Defender of the Faith, Head of the Imperial House of de Castro-Bourbon.
For Huetar de Occidente:
S.E. Alonso Castro Briceño
Presidente de la República Popular
Socialista Huetar de Occidente
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